
Mission Trova Color Prediction Game Source Code

Original price was: ₹5,600.00.Current price is: ₹1,399.00.



The main objective in Mission Trova is to correctly predict the next color in a given sequence. Each correct prediction results in points or monetary rewards, while incorrect predictions may lead to losses or game termination, depending on the specific rules set by the platform hosting the game.

Starting the Game:

Players enter the game and are greeted with a user interface showing a sequence of colors or a rotating color wheel.
Placing Bets:

Before the sequence begins, players place their bets on what they predict will be the next color to appear. Options typically include basic colors such as red, blue, green, etc.
Sequence Generation:

The game generates colors either in a sequence or randomly, depending on the version of the game. This could be automated or triggered by the player pressing a button.
Making Predictions:

As each color is displayed, players must quickly decide and predict the next color in the sequence.
Some versions might allow continuous betting with each color displayed, while others might have fixed

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